
White Alpine Strawberry


White Alpine Strawberry have a delicate and subtle flavour with a hint of pineapple-like sweetness.

White Alpine strawberries may be less common than their red counterparts, their unique appearance and delightful flavour make them a special treat for strawberry enthusiasts.

Availability: 2 in stock (can be backordered) Category:


White Alpine Strawberry

White Alpine Strawberry, also known as Pineapple Strawberry, Cream Strawberry, Pineberries, or White Soul, are a unique variety of strawberries with a pale white or ivory colour.

Appearance & taste:

Unlike the more common red strawberries, White Alpine strawberries have a delicate and subtle flavour with a hint of pineapple like sweetness.

They are smaller in size compared to traditional strawberries, but they make up for it with their intense aroma and flavour.


This variety of strawberry is highly prized for its exquisite taste and are often sought after by gourmet chefs and home gardeners alike.

They are typically enjoyed fresh, either on their own or as a topping for desserts, salads, or breakfast dishes.

These strawberries are also a popular choice for making preserves, jams, and sauces due to their exceptional fragrance.

While White Alpine strawberries may be less common than their red counterparts, their unique appearance and delightful flavour make them a special treat for strawberry enthusiasts.


An interesting fact about these strawberries is that bird won’t eat them. Birds see the white colour and don’t think they they are ripe, so they leave them alone!

Growing notes:

  • Plant in a partial or full sun position
  • Grow as seedlings, then plant out when big enough
  • Growing season – Spring & Summer
  • Sow 3mm deep and 30cm apart
  • Germinates in 14-21 days
  • Matures in 150-160 days

Each pack has 15 seeds.

Tips: Place seeds in the freezer for 3 weeks prior to plantings. The change in temperature from cold to warm will encourage the seeds to sprout. Harvest them when they turn a pale, creamy white.


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